Sunday, May 6, 2012

Weeping Willow Rune Pull

     I am trying to get under motion by am slow today.  I have been doing better at it, but I did not sleep well and for me sleep is essential.

     I have bee weeping a lot too. Not crying, weeping.
The tears have been falling with an undesirable ache.
The Celtic meaning of willow has a long history of symbolism associated with metaphysical and ritual practices.

Many uses and associations came be traced back to our Celtic ancestors' observations of the willow tree in their natural environment...
Other valuable traits of the willow include its flexibility. The willow is one of the few trees that can bend in outrageous poses without snapping. This is a powerful metaphor for those of us on a spiritual path. The message here is to adjust with life rather than fight it.

Further testimony to its adaptability, is the willow's ability to not only survive, but thrive in some of the most challenging conditions. The willow is a prolific grower, often taking root from a single branch that has fallen into some marshy bog.
In all, the willow reminds us to take heed of this lesson: Keep growing and reaching higher no matter where you are planted.

     Keeping busy has been helping too.  Before I knew it it was 5:30 and I was late for the NA meeting .  The topic was rude awakenings.   Oddly enough my rune pull for the today mentions the same topic. 

THURISAZ - "This is an obstacle rune. A rune that says you will suffer in order to grow, to be strengthened. Allow your destiny to unfold as it should. Experience all that life has to offer you. What at first may seem negative and destructive may well contain a necessary lesson. A change will be brought about and a new age entered."

This rune also encompasses protection and luck.
     If read along with yesterdays rune and the willow of today there is the sense that I should not push my luck but just let it unfold.  I saw this in manifestation last night so I can feel that this is the path I must take.
I am hoping the luck from an unexpected  source manifest too. I was told of a job that I would love, and with the the runes watching I wait and see if it shall come about.
     THURISAZ also has negative aspect based in the fact that I will encounter people whole are morally stronger than myself, lol not that hard at this point in my life.  I need to practice humility and be on the alert for the examples of morality the earth will be sending.

My plan for today is simple. Bend to the will of the earth, trusting in its ultimate plans for me.

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