Tuesday, May 8, 2012

This is why I know "this stuff" works 5/8/12 Three Rune Pull and Casting

This is why I know "this stuff" works.  I have pulled all three of these rune  
                                           individually in the past week.
                                                        And now
                                           I have pulled and cast them
                                                        all together.

Reading verses Pull.

I pull a rune everyday for help and guidance.  I apply the rune that is pulled to all of my decisions, thoughts and actions for that day.

I read the runes most often when I trying to workout a specific question or pull together energy for a big decision.

These are the runes that I have pulled and cast for a reading today:


                                                FROM VIEW

WOW.  Without sharing the question it says that I have been given a gift and this gift is, and if I am not careful, a potential problem.
I am in a run of luck (THURISAZ) which would implies I should take a chance with the gift, but I have to remember runs of lucks end.  
And to top it all off WYRD is in the position of outcome.  Which can mean one of two things, the outcome will not be relieved to me or, if it is, not until the last moment.  

Without sharing the question:
   I have recently met some new friends.  This often happens in the psych ward, like begets like.  The first thing you learn is that you are most likely not crazy.  Out of 15-20 there are really only 2 or 3 at the most that are beyond sanity.  If you can find the three really really crazy people you are safe. 
  Anyway, living under a microscope with so few people for days filled with arts and crafts group and bitch and complain group, you become close.  We are obviously vulnerable.  We are raw.  And our true self is just hanging out there.  We see the inside of the soul of other people.  It can be pretty ugly, but in those few you find yourself close to, It is amazingly beautiful.  
   So I need to hold this gift carefully, move forward with it cautiously because as it is right now an outcome can not yet be seen.
My Plan of Action:
   To move slowly.  Handle these friendships carefully. Move further into them cautiously.  And be ready when the outcome may appear.


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