Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Dreams of my Grandfather

Haflingers, Pa's horse of of choice
     I dreamt of my Grandfather last night.  In the dream he had been transformed.  No longer the man I knew, the hardworking farmer, he had been made over into the country club, polo wearing, plaid shorts kinda man.  He stood taller and younger, and in the dream we called him "Grandpa" with all the formality it suggests.
    For any that know him this is comical.  I have never seen him in a real tie, even though I remember playing with them in his closet when I was little.  To my knowledge he doesn't own a polo, and he may own a pair of swim shorts if he has any at all.  He was never "Grandpa", but more simply Pa.
     I am fortunate enough to still have him and love him dearly.  I do not see him as much as I should even though he lives only about 5 miles away.  He doesn't miss holidays and since my Grandma passed has never been late on a birthday card.  He keeps a "journal" and as a child, unlike my grandmothers,  the thought of trying to take a peek never crossed my mind.  His is a stronger man with strong hands.  When he was younger he had a magical dog who could throw stone on to the porch roof, or at least that is what had told his father.  He would shower in the summer with the water from a warm hose before coming in the house.  To me he was a man of few, but strong, words.  He taught me to gut a deer and sold me my first rifle.  He taught me to square dance.  One night he gave all the grandchildren a lesson on the difference between a horse whip and a bull whip making sure A) we were aware he owned them, B) he knew how they worked and C) if we were not in bed on time that night we could be taught how they worked too.

    I can interpret this dream by the books of Freud and Jung.  But simply put I think it just means I should see him more because I won't have him much longer.  With the way my dreams sometimes work I would venture to say he will be gone soon.

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