Saturday, May 5, 2012

Recent Rune Pulls

   There are three ways that I use runes, I cast then, pull them or a combination of the two.

Casting them is a long reading with that requires more energy.  To cast them I simply scatter them onto my alter cloth and read them how they are presented to me by Mother God.  It seems simple but can be spiritually draining. 

In pulling I am simply taking one from the box and allow it to guide me through the day.  For example, yesterday I pulled the ISA rune.  ISA shows a need to cease activity in certain area of you life.  When I pull ISA I never have to wonder what the area of cessation is supposed to be, I simply know.  ISA speaks to of frustrating delays, but those are only temporary. 

The third way is when I am reading runes for someone else.  In this method I have them pull the required number, usually 3,5 or 7.  They pull them and place them in my hand.  I then cast them in a motion similar to sewing seeds.

So yesterday was ISA, the day before was WYRD. It is pronounce "weird".  WYRD is a blank rune and my first reaction to it is always fear.I guess I have this gut reaction that I am looking into a mirror and a blank one is staring back. 

Ralph Blum says"This is a rune of total trust and should be taken as exciting evidence of your most immediate connection with your own true destiny."  We are talking the cosmic power of fate.

The blank rune is a blank slate to manifest your own destiny.

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